
Elizabeth Mokoro

Lets connect, grow, and spread the love of God beyond the physical boundaries of our church

Latest Broadcasts

  • Day 1

    Before the Crown must come the Cross

    A profound reminder from Job 13:15 about the journey to success and triumph. It speaks volumes about resilience and faith through trials.

  • Day 2

    Before the Crown must come the Cross

    A profound reminder from Job 13:15 about the journey to success and triumph. It speaks volumes about resilience and faith through trials.

  • Day 3

    Before the Crown must come the Cross

    A profound reminder from Job 13:15 about the journey to success and triumph. It speaks volumes about resilience and faith through trials.

  • Day 4

    Before the Crown must come the Cross

    A profound reminder from Job 13:15 about the journey to success and triumph. It speaks volumes about resilience and faith through trials.

  • Sabbath

    Before the Crown must come the Cross

    A profound reminder from Job 13:15 about the journey to success and triumph. It speaks volumes about resilience and faith through trials.

    How to handle the strange woman in the life of your husband

    In times of marital challenges, let us turn to our faith for restoration. Through open communication, counseling, and the healing power of forgiveness, may we rebuild trust and renew our commitment. In God’s grace, find strength for the journey.

    Priorities of Faith

    Play Video

    Priorities of Faith

    Refill Before You Can Expire

    Penetrating the Realm of the Spirit

    Reach out to Pastor Mokoro:

    The Dead can Speak - Family Life Sessions Pr Elizabeth Mokoro

    Pslams 8:4-6
     What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
    For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
     Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:

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    Whether you have questions about spirituality, seek guidance, or wish to share your testimonies, Pastor Mokoro is here for you. Our virtual doors are wide open, creating a space where you can connect, learn, and find inspiration.

      “The mysterious providence which permits the righteous to suffer persecution at the hand of the wicked, has been a cause of great perplexity to many who are weak in faith.”


      © Pr. Elizabeth Mokoro 2024